Time: 1:00 am or something..
Location: home
Specific location: My bedroom, working on my computer.. yes a desk-top!
Reason for being up this late and tomorrow is a working day: cause sleep won't come to me !
...Suddenly.. I feel it! .. oh my God.. everything is sorta shaking!
did I just accidentally bump into my desk and cause all this movement? .. well I'm clumsy .. I have established that..and everyone knows I am.. but ... the thing is .. I would've known if I had hit the desk!!.. simply because I'd either feel the pain of that hit or get a bruise the second day...hmmm none of that!
so what the hell happened?? why were my tower of Cd's moving? why was I feeling as if I was being shifted slightly ??
next day I get a call and now I know....
I have experienced my first earthquake!! and where?? not in the US..right here in Kuwait.. after all the tornadoes in Florida.. after all the major thunderstorms in Miami and the Hurricanes... now this

did anyone else experience it?
I didn't feel it. I was fast asleep. But TONS of bloggers felt it. I guess I just missed out! :/
i was sleeping!!
I didn't, but look here
it was a bit freaky.
ofcourse u were!
what a weird experience!
i felt nothing probably thought it was my chair again :P
Hi 3abeer, How are you?
I miss this blog.
Woaaaaa! you have been rocked by an earthquake!!!
I didn't experience it but they say it was a magnitude 4 quake. or was it 4.5?
By the way, I know it's been months but I finally did the tag :*
welcome welcome ;)
.. must be a wiggly chair :P
Girl!! where have you been?? you've been missed.. ;)
Glad you're back.
it was magnitude of 4. but we felt it slightly because it's close to the borders. my cd's were gonna suffer ! aside from that everyone else thought it was ghosts!! hehe
آنا كنت نايمة بسابع نومة
بس والله كسرتي خاطري
هم هوم الون هم زلزال
حالتج صعبة
Alia Luv,
eee walla .. ana kasrah kha6er 3omri :P
wi ba3dain bil ithafa ela hal moshkeltain (el zilzal and home alone) la tensain ba3ad el moshkela el a93ab weli geltlich 3anha on msn :P
ethagain laha 7al??
astab3ed :/
مبارك عليج الشهر .. والحمد الله على سلامة الماما .. أعتقد ردت صح؟؟
سلام خاص وحار لها ولعوعو
مشكلتج عويصة بس الحل بإيدج
Keep your eyes wide open
coz they're few
يعني يا تلحقين يا ما تلحقين
Yalla 3ala eeeedich ;)
I tried bas makooooo fayda
Oh man! I missed it!
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