Plan ahead and keep it handy..
a Travel Check List.. No one will want to take all of these things on vacation, but they are listed so you won't forget anything.
First thing's first.. Call and confirm your airline reservations 48 hours prior to departure.
The list includes things you should do pre-departure and Da List of things you need, might need or want to take along for the heck of it!
Pre-departure make sure of the following:
a Travel Check List.. No one will want to take all of these things on vacation, but they are listed so you won't forget anything.
First thing's first.. Call and confirm your airline reservations 48 hours prior to departure.
The list includes things you should do pre-departure and Da List of things you need, might need or want to take along for the heck of it!
Pre-departure make sure of the following:
Passports !!
Personal Identification - drivers license
Extra Passport Photos
airline tickets
Emergency Information
medical insurance card
Hotel Reservations
Traveler's Checks
two lists of check numbers (leave one at home with friend)
Money and Foreign Currency a little for each country you are going to visit
Credit Cards - Visa American Express ATM card (your best source of money)
Small Duffel or Tote for Souvenirs
Special Event Reservations tickets for art, popular festivals, sporting events
Travel books (or copies of important pages)
Phrasebook / Dictionary
Currency Converter
Money Belt / Neck Pouch
Document Organizer
Portable Reading Light
Neck Pillow, Eye Shades, Ear Plugs
Swiss Army Knife
Address Book
Travel Journal
Glasses, Sunglasses and Repair Kit
Safety Pins,
Language Books
Reading Materials
Mini Sewing/Repair Kit
Portable Lightweight Travel Iron or Steamer
Travel Clothesline & Clothespins
Mesh Bag for Dirty Laundry
Zipclose Plastic Bags
Inflatable Hangers

For Both male &Female Travellers
your favorite pair of jeans
Carry-All bag
Swim suit & coverup
Dress shoes
Shoes walking/sandals/black/tennis
Rain Protection Raincoat, hat, poncho
Shoe horn

Video camera
chargers for battery/bat-pak
Laptop battery & charger
Travel alarm clock with new battery
Converters / Adapters (electrical)
Camera Batteries (internal)
Medications - Pain Reliever - Cold Medicine
Nasal Spray
Diarrhea Medicine !! just incase!
Insect Repellent - for those adventures you take !
Suntan Lotion/Sunscreen
Sunburn Relief
Antibiotic Cream
Motion Sickness Medicine
Personal Prescriptions
Toiletry kit (recommend hang-up style)
Skin Care Lotions/Creams
Make up
Hair supplies
Blow Dryer
Shampoo & Conditioner
Curling Iron
Nail supplies
Manicure Articles
dental Floss
Personal hygiene supplies - Deodorant Soap--Personal & Laundry
Plastic Bottles (for shampoo & laundry soap)
Shaving supplies - Electric razor - Shaving Gel
First Aid Kit
Home checklist
Stop deliveries
Have Post Office hold mail
Arrange for care of lawn and house plants
Set-up a timed lighting system
Take out garbage
Turn off lights
Turn down thermostat or turn off heat or air conditioning (من حبنا لها نوفر لها)
Turn off water heater (if gas ).
Store valuables in safe deposit or safe place
Lock all doors and windows
Leave appropriate message on answering machine
Set window shades, blinds or drapes for a lived-in look
Make good-bye calls!!
Empty refrigerator
Eliminate possible fire hazards (unplug appliances, etc.)

have a safe and wonderful trip..
wow, great tips. Thanks.
welcome to my humble little blog..
hope those tips are useful.
Nice new template and welcome back! ;)
The "curling iron" cracked me up LOL.
and wait wait wait did i see "shoehorn"? LOOOOL :D
I take it ur traveling soon ?
Your list is excessively long. I got tired reading it. How about toothbrush and a change of clothes? Enough?
L darling,
I needed a change and I got bored with the old template.. but this is just a transition until I create a better one ;)
and the list is suitable for ages 18 to 81 ;)
supposed to travel soon but I'm a bit hesitant .. we'll see :/
if that's all you need then ur lucky! the list contains everything and "anything" . for those who get overwhelmed prior to leaving :)
etha chethy ag3d bel bait a7sn
well i had to cover every single thing known to flyers :P and if i didn't .. I'll read comments like "you forgot to mention this.. or that!"
so.. take what u need from it and leave the rest ;)
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