1- Catch up with old friends - I am .. walla I am!
2- Be a better person - "better than this?!..hehe"
3- Do a good dead - did, done and still doing !
4- Get fit - Brisk walking .. ain't it a pain!em>

5- Spend less time watching TV - Lately I've been sleeping without switching my TV on.. that's one HELL of an accomplishment for me .. I'm a TV ADDICT!
6- Read more books - I'm trying really hard to read.. alot of distractions though ;)
7- Spend more time with family - Wednesday nights !
8- Be happy - trying to get there ... I'm semi-happy.. does that count?
- Been to the Avenues.. since this seems like a BIG DEAL to some!
- Aloe Vera .. my new best friend
- Wanna do Yoga - fee wa7da kshetat feeni *
- In terms of music.. my latest addiction.. KT Tunstall
- Why is Chocolate ice-cream soooo irresistible?
- Dowloading 3rd Season of L Word.. - I'm still wondering why I can't stop watching it !!
- Back to Partying like there's no tomorrow ;)
This post was just because ..
Did someone say chocolate icecream? :]
<--- HUG
wallah im proud of u
u accomplished alot n its only april
oo inshallah ur gna be fully happy sooon!!
wala if ur willing to wait a couple of years till im bak ill go to yoga with u :P
mmwa7 ;*
Nice list :) I really liked them and cute pic
About the Avenues i didn't c it yet
And The L word.. Mabye u're a lesbian or bi but u need the motivation to become one :P
Great accomplishments :) Enshalla you'll get the rest done, shouldn't be too hard. I wonder why in that quote there is a picture of an empty seat and bubbles.. Is there meaning behind it?
good job hon ;**
& sleeping without switching the TV on was a hard thing to do .. I AGREE
oh .. one more thing
like you said .. why are people keep asking: رحتي الأفنيوز؟؟؟
never been there .. but what's the big deal .. it's just another huge shopping mall
الكويت انترست مولات ومطاعم
nope.. it's just moi ;)
el hug.. right back at ya ;*
merci ya 7ayati.. and I'll still try to go to Yoga now.. and when you come back I'll go with you too ..
- shrayech feeni wana diplomatic ;)
Oh Honey... I'm straight to the BONE! ;)
read it again and you'll figure it out .. if you couldn't..I'll tell you ;)
Alia Darling,
I liked it.. even though it's not fully open yet.
I like the fact that even if it gets crowded you don't have to bump into people while you walk, like in other malls.
The only wish I have is for them to allow me to use my rollerblades there.. the place is huge and it would be amazing.
wedi :)
WALLA MA KESHAT!! I can't make time =~{ bs walla walla in 2 weeks I'll be able to tell what my timing is like and then I'll be all yours =} promise wennabi!
as per your shisma, I think it's a HUGE move to be able to sleep without TV, once my TV was broken I had to sleep in my mom's room where she also keeps the TV on, what the hell is wrong with us! good going..
what kinda good deeds?
dont go to the avenue after 4pm its like the avenu of sulaibekhat
and you will hate starbucks there .. oo mako ay mokan u can eat in !
bs ako like 978767896 starbucks !
elshaye3 very smart ,, they can sell them after people get use to the mall
Sponty wonty AKA el Kashtah :P,
I'll give you an extension ;P
and we'll wait and see :*
good deeds.. hmm.. agoolech ba3dain.. are you doing any?
شكلك راح تقود الحمله الوطنيه لمحاربة مرتادي الأفينيوز
it wasn't that bad.
.. and I'm not a starbucks fan.. I don't drink coffee
I like hot cocoa wi bas ;)
chocolate ice cream..hmm..my fav..
gosh..now i feel like eating it..any recipes using ice cream? hahaha..sure i will try if there is any..
L Word..i don't know why it is so great to watch about anyway i just seen a few episodes and i hardly can remember any scenes that move my heart and makes me want to watch more.. anyway for you i think you are just exploring yourself..
your resolutions are great and congrats to you that you are able to stick to your own resolutions..
I'll post something soon with icecream.. afa 3alaich :P
and thanks a bunch ;)
Why wasn't I on the list??? :/
what? who? where? what are you talking about?
what list ??
Congratulations on your accomplishments :)
hmm Just because hmmmm!
I loved the quote and the empty chair. very heartbreaking :)
I'm with you on the chocolate ice cream part, if only there was a way to quit :P
oh gosh.. i cannot stop eating choc ice cream.. they are like the best thing in the world..so yummy..so creamy..oh its great..
Merci sweets ;*
I'm suffering..I'm craving.. and I'm dieting!! what's a girl to do ?:P
amen to that!!! ;)
Loved your post a no secret ;)
thanx luv ;)
been a good friend? nice one ;p
3oqbali... keep it up!
well you can't have all the attention to yourself you know.. I have other friends too.. So suck it up and be cool !
Flamingoliya hon,
inshalla you'll do GREAT ;)
Seems like ur doin great on those resolutions.. keep it up! :) I can never keep resoultions- I mean its good I can wake up on time for work- LOOL!
Ice cream- Mmmmmm. I just wrote abt that on my own blog- I have an ice cream addiction- big time...
Avenues- well its ok. Its nice and big, but having so many of the same shops is not sooo appealing.
first time visitor I see!! welcome welcome.. waking up early in the morning is not something I'm very fond of either.. but you gotta do whatcha gotta do ;)
Thanks habibty :* Your blog is grreat!!
I am still now kashta am still waiting to know my timing for the shisma...
*whistles & looks around*
now = not
nabee post :/
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