oh .. and don't mind the title.. it just sounded catchy.. I love drama..
So my trip to London went successfully.. the weather was amazing and it was two weeks of fun, laughter and intense shopping ;)
and since I came back it's been partying.. partying.. beach and more partying.. so I'll just post some pictures and you'll get the "picture" ;P
we take off.. mind you I have fear of flying.. but I still took this picture..
The first thing I pick up when we arrive..
Oxford Street people.. and there's Selfridges - far left..
China Town..
Yummy don't ya think ?!! eewww
So .. take a look..
I wouldn't be a true tourist if I didn't head to Madame tussaud's..
and for the 3agad..
Train station .. on our way to Bicester.. a (shopping) mission....
and ofcourse .. couldn't miss Les Miserables The musical.... it was breath-takin'..
BUT.. while heading to Camden I came across this shoe shop.. and I couldn't stop myself from crackin up! offensive .. yet funny..
London in a nutshell..
Beautiful weather..Oxford Street..Selfridges..Laughter..Fendi..Sofra Restaurant..lack of sleep..St.christophers Place..rain..Chinalife..ipod..Piccadilly Circus..Trocadero..Tottenham Court..Harrods..Eat Thai..Christian Lacroix..Tube..Goofiness..Naval Piercing..walking, walking and more walking..London Theatre..Book shop..oyster card..virgin..Bicester village..a few hours of sleep..Haruki Murakami..Bond Street..Saturday Market..Covent Garden..Pret a Manger..Reiss..sexy shoes..AbdulJabar el 7mar..Edgeware road..Dune..House of Fraser..Body Piercing..Harvey Nichols..Slot machines..Sha7en wi jnaaaa6..Flu..London Terminal to Bicester North..no tattoo..nap..HMV..Green curry chicken..reading..Baker street..Madame Tussauds..London eye..Les Miserables..Puma..Borders..ta3ab..safa restaurant..nina..wi bas kafi.
bas te3abt..
London, you can never have enough of it! and they call egypt om ildenya!! 7amdela 3lsalama
Welcome back :)
7mdelaaaa 3al salaaaamaaaa
tawa ma nawerat eldeera wel blogger
so glad u had fun
i heart london
miss it
mmmmwa7 :***
so what exacly did u pierce?
Welcome back dear cousin
liki wa7sha ;**
I liked the frst picture ,, طلعتي فنانة بالتصوير وانا ما ادري
London ... ohhh
It's the perfect time for London,
mako kuwaitieen, mako za7ma, jaw 7ilu, glad you had fun
ودي ودي اروح لندن
ذكرياتي في متحف مدام توسو لا تنسى .. كنت منبهرة بالأميرة النائمة وشلون تتنفس .. وااو
بس رفيق دربي يكرهها كره العمل
Welcome back hun! Sounds like u had a blast!!
And I am curious just as much as Eshda3wa- what did u get pierced? :)
Allah yesalmek dear :)
Merci, it's great to be back ;)
Allah yesalmech suga..
missed ya more.. how's studying doin'?
taking pictures has alway been one of my hobbies.. a3ajbech afa 3alaich :P
Madam Tussauds is not the same and sleeping beauty was shifted into a little corridor, robed of her beautiful bed and placed on a little sofa.. I was disappointed..
the only thing they added knew was a Live horror section were they scare you .. I wnet in then sneaked through an exit cause I chicken out lat minute.. tadreen ana za3eemat el jobana'a :P
aside from that London 7adha amazing and shopping was soo much fun.
Thanks suga.. glad to be back..
the plan was to get a kick ass tattoo.. I ended up piercing my naval instead..
Love it ;)
7elwa el landan ana a7eb el landan re7t lama kent sgheera and now it kinda grew off me for some reason magemt a7eb el landan, bs hey you had fun that what counts huh =} elmohem, shyebteely =D
Look who's back. a7la welcome back
Yay u pierced ur naval :D u feel like u have a new naval right? lol! I bet you can't wait till ur allowed to change the belly ring!:D
the shoe shop!! LOL
for 3agad!! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA marina-dero!salmiya-dero :P
I haven't gone shopping for ages! Harrods, matthew williamson, london HEAVEN!
am very glad you had fun :*
7emdellah 3al salamaa :)
london ...ah ya london !
3ala golah ghanim 9leee6y
how i wish to go to london..you sure know how to pick the right place..
London... btakhod el 3a'el
that's why two weeks are more than enough.. tooo many temptations :P
L's darling,
I had a great time .. can't wait to go back again..
missed ya ;)
Allah yesalmik merci :)
it's been a long time since I've been there last
loved it :)
I had the option of going to Thai.. but had to go to my first love.. london :)
vvelcome Back!
I Heart London too
oh honey.. who doesn't ;)
El7emdellah 3al salamah yam3awdah :P
And what is Trocadero?? ...shebee3 hatha?
Allah Yesalmek
Trocadero.. yebee3 bajela w nakhi.. and sometimes Aaash :P
Missed you more :*
HAHAHAHAHHA ee sa7 sa7 bajela o nakhy o Cheloo kabaaab :p
so wht's up now?anything new?anything unusual?love to hear it soon..
3abbour where have you been?
you've been missed honey
& tagged ;**
Alot of changes lately,, I will post something new, once I get my thoughts together. :)
Alia Luv,
I'm here .. been really really busy .. I will post something .. now ;)
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