موحد القطرين
it's a small world after all !
everyone is no more than six "steps" away from each person on Earth. Several studies have been conducted tomeasure this connectedness. While the exact number of links between people differs depending on the population measured.
That been said .. I think it's 2 steps when it comes to facebook.
have you been facebooking lately???
a friend of mine thinks it's a conspiracy.. all of our personal information being out there.. everything we do or did.. the fact that we are monitored all the time is freakin' him out.
ana agoola.. 3adi.. no one is after you.. you're not that special.. so get over it ;P
and to my facebooking friends..
I give you this song..
Hehe a couple of more posts like this one and a better looking choir and I might be convinced.
forget the way they look.. the words are just convincing enough.. don't ya think ? :P
thanks to H she found this masterpiece ;)
not on facebook!
i refuse to conform!!
why r u ant-facebook?? shda3wa?? facebook yekhare3? :P
I might have poked you already ;p
really??? ;)
yala .. tell me.. who are u ?:P
U seem cute ..I like U
Oranjina's facebook-addict
Thank you :)
Orangina fadidra,
I guess I can say the same about myself :/
just wanted to say hi
so hi!
خوش أغنية وبعد لو وياها صفقة ومراويس يكون أحسن
Hi-aaaain ;)
khosh fekra ;)
ahlan ahlan.. baihhhh.. !1 men zeman ma sheftech.. how've you been girl ??
nice blog o0 nice post :P
but i dont know why i dont like it :S
of course i meant i dont like face book ;P
have a nice day :)
facebook.. is a phase I think and everyone will eventually get out of it ;P
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