I love this organization.. and I don't care if this is considered a promotion, because I think good work shouldn't be left unnoticed...
Some of the advertisements I like for evian water.
Evian's dynamic brand has become synonymous with balance and well-being. The name Evian comes from the Celtic word "Evua" or "ew" meaning water. Also present in the name is "eve" "vie" and "via".
Evian was only sold in pharmacies until 1960

Quote of the day...
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
--Lou Holtz
I like.
I like there adds very much they are fresh espacialy the one in the tub
wow! those were very intresting adds!!!.. Loved most of them!!..
and about the wisdom of the day..
or quote whatso ever :/
Its all about Attitude!!!...
Love your blog!!
wow great adds wayed e3jeboony walaah 7ady 3a6shaan al7ean
nice one walaah oo hope to see more
Delicately Realistic,
Glad :)
mosan mosan,
My two most favorites are the tub and the mermaid
Transparently II,
how interesting :):)
there are more older advertisements for evian but those are; in my opinion the best :)
Thanks for your sweet comment, and yes IT IS all about ATTITUDE :)
I felt the same way when I was putting together this post :)
Good thing that I had a bottle of evian right next to me.
I love evian water. Seriously, they really taste different than regular water :)
Noice ads... ABout your quote at the end, I gotta remind (and thus motivate) you to jot down those goals :P
Yea yea I know, right back at me!!?!!
fallen angel,
I think so too :)
hehehehe I made a note of it to actually get them done this past weekend, but something came up and I couldn't so I decided to post the ads :P
I'll get to them soon... promise :)
LOVED the third one.. :) nice..
Marketing, Marketing, Marketing :)
that what make us pay for a bottle of Evian more than we pay for OIL !
I like'em all, but the mermaid seems to stand out
So true!!! it's all about perception
على فكرة
ايفيان و فولفك نفس الشركة
kila ma6goog,
I didn't know that, thanks for the info :)
let them eat cake,
what you said is so ture, our sociaty has not been exposed to proper marketing and advertisin.
although we have seen beautiful new and up coming advertising and marketing agencies in Kuwait..
it's just that they are stuggling with shifting the old minds of our companies here in kuwait and trying to convince them that in order to get proper ads you need to pay.
they say if you pay peanuts you get monkeys and that's true when it comes to organizations and their marketing campaigns, they simply don't want to pay, and marketing is costly..
they use old methods, non existant in the new world..and people don't know any better!
I'm hoping things will change.
I'm not promoting this or anything but I like one specific company.. they are REALLy great in Kuwait they're called elboutique and they're a new up coming hip, very edgy organization.. check out my new post. :)
by the way, you have posted your comment twice, that's why I deleted the other copy :)
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